Business Beneficiary Nomination
Most Trusted Business Beneficiary Nomination Service
Determining a beneficiary for your business or your company is really important to ensure proper wealth protection as well as considerable tax deferral. Sometimes, business beneficiary nomination can be a complicated process due to several rules and regulations related to it. However, with Ace Shelf Companies at your disposal, you will get the best experts providing you with the beneficiary nomination process.
Business or Corporate Beneficiaries are used as a part of wealth protection and tax planning strategies. We design the business beneficiary nomination service in such a way that all your specific requirements are met. We have been providing corporate or business beneficiary nomination service successfully for years now. Our experience, quality of service, and expert advice during the service has made us the most trusted name in the market.
What is a Business Beneficiary?

A business beneficiary is a company who receives a distribution from a family trust or a discretionary trust. The company needs to declare their share of income from the trust to the ATO. On the same share they need to pay tax at the corporate tax rate of 30%.
The corporate tax rate of 30% is comparatively less than the tax rate that would apply in other scenarios. The tax rate can go up to 47% if the trust decided to retain its shares or if it decided to distribute the income to any family member. So, having a business beneficiary can lead to a considerable amount of tax deferral.
Why you should hire us for Business Beneficiary Nomination Service?
At Ace Shelf Companies, we have been providing business documentation and related services to numerous clients successfully. Our experience in the market is the main reason that makes us the most trusted and top-quality service providers. We have a team of the best and most skilled professionals who can guide you with the service process without any hassle.
Our team of experts comply with each and every legalities and regulations during any service process. So, you can be assured that you will not face any problems with the business beneficiary nomination process in the future.
Other than business beneficiary nomination process, we also provide our clients with trust deed services, company deregistration services, annual BAS lodgement services, and company register reconstruction services.
To know more about our services or to book any of our aforementioned services, feel free to contact us.